For many college students it is getting to be that time of the year where you start stressing extra due to finals coming up and life getting a whole lot busier. So here is my what to do when stressed to de-stress!
1.Make a cup of tea and sit, don't think, and just be.
2. I've gotten into running recently so sometimes I'll just go on a jog or walk around campus.
3.When really stressed I do some down dogs and child's pose. It's good to just walk away from homework.
4. I love pinterest and whenever I'm overwhelmed I go look at my boards or repin a few things.
5. Something I should be doing for fun! Walk away from textbooks and such and read something enjoyable.
6. I love fashion and clothes. So I enjoy trying on outfits! It's fun and sometimes I figure out what to wear for tomorrow.
7. Sometimes a pretty hair style is what you need to relax. I enjoy curling and sometimes straightening my hair.
8. Sometimes I just get up from my desk and walk down our hallway and see if there is anyone around to socialize with for a bit.
9. Wander around. I get up, go to the bathroom, check my mail, etc. to get away from studying.
10. Dance! Move your body and shake all that stress out!
11. Coloring helps me focus on something that is not school and is chill! I love coloring.
What do you do to de-stress?!
Much love,
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