September 8, 2012

A little encouragement..

to think good thoughts
to be yourself

to dress well

to laugh

to explore

and to love all.

Much love,

(Its been insane busy in the world of Sara so I appologize for the lack of anything interesting going on. I hope to have a  more normal schedule coming up soon. Thanks for the patients!)


  1. aww this was SUCH a cute post, i loved it! I love the first one "it's a good day to have a good day", i think that'd put a pep in my step every morning :)

    and the traveling one is so true- i never feel as happy as i am when i'm in a new place

  2. These are all such lovely reminders. And that fall outfit is just ridiculously amazing. I hope your life slows down a bit sometime soon!

  3. This is too cute and such a great way to start off my day! So happy I checked your page today. Hopefully things get less crazy soon!

  4. really beautiful photos!
