August 18, 2012

Summer Rant

Sunflower friends have bloomed! Hooray!
Summer is seriously going by too fast at the moment. I go back to college in SIX days! I am pumped and excited (to see friends and get into a 'normal' routine) but sad and not ready (to do school and leave 'home' friends). I am going through some crazy emotions trying to prepare myself for the school that is to come and the people I am going to leave at home. 

So I have been on the go every minute since it hit me that college is soon and the only time to have summer is NOW. I have been cliff diving, Lost watching, friend seeing, restaurant trying, thrift shopping, clothes packing, mom hugging, nannying, reading, sitting, remembering, thinking, creating, laughing, name a few;)

So over the next week the posts will be random (as usual...though I tell myself that I am a pro-blogger and have 'planned' blog posts, ha) because I am trying to soak everything in. 

Oh goodness Sara. This basically turned into a rant about me being unprepared for school and dreaming of a never-ending summer. AH! I should be packing or answering the million emails I have... the life of a college student. 

Much love,


  1. Haha I know EXACTLY how you feel. I spent all summer looking forward to being busy and going back to school, but the moment it was ending, I freaked out and tried to cram as much as possible into my last days at home. I hope you're able to fit in as much as possible and make it memorable! P.S. I nominated you for an award on my blog!

  2. Just found your blog! I love sunflowers :)

    chīsana blogger

  3. So sad school is starting up again :( Love your blog, following now!


